What are essential oils and what can essential oils do for you?

What’s all this hype about essential oils? What do they really do and what can they do for you? Oh, that question has a million answers. They can do all kinds of amazing things for you!

First of all, an essential oil  is “a natural oil typically obtained by distillation and having the characteristic fragrance of the plant or other source from which it is extracted”. Essential oils ARE NOT the same as perfume oils or fragrance oils. Essential oils are derived from the true plant, while perfume and fragrant oils contain artificial substances and do not offer the therapeutic benefits that essential oils do. The benefits can be achieved though inhalation, by using an inhaler or a diffuser and application of the diluted oil to the skin. I personally do not prefer to use them “neat” (without any carrier oil) but to each there own, but you also have to be careful in doing so because some oils are “hot oils”. Some of the hot oils include, Cassia, Cinnamon, Clove, Oregano, Thyme and OnGuard. There are also sensitive oils that should be diluted before use on young or sensitive skin. These oils include Bergamont, Black Pepper, Eucalyptus, Ginger and Peppermint. I ALWAYS dilute my oils, but again, that all depends on preference. Coconut oil is my go to every single time. There are many different types of carrier oils, all used for different reasons, but that will come in time and you will find your favorites as well.The carrier oils main job is to ensure comfortable topical application of the essential oil.

The list is endless for what essential oils can do for you. I will narrow it down to some pretty common ailments, but if you research it enough, or find someone who really knows what they are talking about, you will be amazed at the life changing things that can happen with the use of essential oils. Household cleaning, cleaning sports gear, freshening the trashcan, washing produce, cleaning soap scum, bathroom refresher, purifying the refrigerator, eliminating smoke odors, detoxifying the air in your home, smelly shoes, cleaning carpets, eliminating mold and killing pests, ALL NATURALLY WITHOUT HARSH CHEMICALS!!!! That is just a small list of what they can do in your home, we haven’t even gotten to what they can do for your body.

When it comes to taking care of yourself and your family, you want the best right? So why would you out chemicals that you cannot even pronounce onto and into your bodies? With essential oils, you won’t have to anymore! When I first started using essential oils in my home, the first common things (that most everyone has in their homes) to go was Tylenol, Neosporin, Lotions and creams, Vicks, Decongestants, Chapstick and hand soap. And that was just the beginning! At first my family thought I was crazy, until I started making blends for them to use, and then they started asking for them! It’s an amazing thing to be able to teach my children. It’s a whole different lifestyle, a healthier one.

Just a small list of what essential oils can do for your body, where do I even start?? Insomnia, tension, relaxation, depression, anxiety, cellulite, acne, bad breath, itchy scalp, dandruff, stretch marks, age spots, oily hair, dry cracked feet, nausea, migraines, coughs, burns, bug bites, digestion, bronchitis, bruises, concentration, sore joints, sore muscles, PMS symptoms, eczema, psoriasis, hangovers, food cravings, fevers, ringworm, head lice, sunburn, poison ivy and poison oak, immune system, allergies, back and neck pain, AND THE LIST GOES ON!! I am so excited to tell everyone all about it that I almost couldn’t stop the list! My goal is to tech you all how to use these oils and exactly how to get the right blends for you and your body. Not everyone is the same so some oils do effect others differently, but the beauty of it is, there are so many options that there will be something that works for you.


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